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Written by Super User | Published: Monday, 14 May 2018 19:25 | Hits: 1526



Carlos Alberto Kamienski

Vice Coordenador

João Paulo Gois

Directing Council

Denise Hideko Goya
João Henrique Kleinschmidt
Fernando Teubl Ferreira



Cloud Computing, SDN Networks, Online Social Networks Analysis, Smart Cities and Future Internet;
Digital Signal Processing, Immersive Teleconference, and Image-based Rendering.
Technology, Tourism and Leisure, Politics and Internet, Society and Environment, study the forms of participation of companies for the promotion of citizenship and environmental protection, Energy and Society.
demonstrable security, cryptography based on elliptic / hypereliptic curves, bilinear pairings, post-quantum cryptography, public key infrastructure.
co-clustering and biclustering, sentiment analysis, recommendation systems, complex networks, Big Data, heuristics and metaheuristics, bio-inspired computing, data mining, machine learning, artificial intelligence, combinatorial and nonlinear optimization in time.
Programming languages, software engineering, database, graphic processing (Graphics), analytical and simulation models and communication protocols.
Ant colony optimization (ACO) and multi-agent systems (MAS), routing algorithms in optical path-switched networks and optical packets, GMPLS control plane and optical network support to grid architectures.
Computer Graphics, Image Processing and Computational Geometry. His research focuses on Real-Time Image Synthesis, GPGPU and Visibility.
Automatic coffee inventory system, digital transmission, finite state codes for data recording and reading, modulation codes, optically amplified systems, WDM network architecture, optical networks.
Development of software tools for generating multimedia content applied to Electronic Learning; Specification and Development of Systems and tools to support Electronic Learning; Coordinator of multidisciplinary team responsible for the production of multimedia content applied to Distance Education, having published more than 40 courses with texts, presentations and approximately 1000 hours of recorded classes; Software Development for Real-Time Process Control (SDCD) and Multi-Tasks (OS / 2).
Computational Vision, Pattern Recognition, Prospecting of Academic Data and Bibliometrics.
Computer networks, wireless communications, distributed systems, network security and bioinformatics.
Interactive Graphic Computing, Animation and 3D Modeling.
Optical Communication Systems, Transparent Optical Networks, Optical Packet Switched Networks, Electromagnetic Compatibility, Optimization of Topologies, Transparent Optical Networks, Optical Switching Paradigms, Physical Layer Restriction Modeling in Optical Networks.
Sensor Development, Computing and Computer Models, Computer Systems Architecture, Hardware, Programming Languages, Electronic Measurement and Control Systems, Electronic Instrumentation.
Discovery of knowledge in databases, machine learning and data mining, Artificial Intelligence.
State, Society and Public Policies; Information technology applied to local administration; Digital Citizenship and Electronic Government; Media Processes: Technology and Market; Culture, communication and social dynamics.
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