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Written by Super User | Published: Tuesday, 08 May 2018 18:05 | Hits: 1271

Created in november 6th 2013 by the ConsUni Resolution Nº 126, the Strategic Center for Virtual Universes, Entertainment and Mobility (CLOUD) objectives are to produce new knowledge, build capacity, high-level and generate innovative and interdisciplinary solutions in areas related to Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and their interactions with the society demands, such as improving the quality of life and sustainability. The inspiration and aspirations to the core comes from initiatives such as the MIT Media Lab, a large barn of innovative ideas that generate products, services and especially people with great power of influence in society.


The motivation for the creation of the Strategic Core CLOUD is aligned with the UFABC Innovation Campus (according to the PDI UFABC), a "scientific and technological infrastructure initiative to transcend the barriers between academic research and technological innovation, through the creation of a park dedicated to advanced laboratories areas identified as priorities in the National Strategy for Science, Technology and Innovation (ENCTI) of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI) of the Federal Government. ". To achieve this goal the core should have strong interaction with the productive sector for the generation of technological innovation.


The UFABC has researchers in various areas related virtualization technologies (ex .: virtual reality, virtual worlds), multimedia (ex .: signal processing, application development), entertainment (ex .: computer graphics, games), Internet (ex .: computer networks, mobility) and computer systems to make them viable (ex .: high performance computing, big data). In addition to the technical issue, qualitative analysis of the impacts caused by technology are of great importance. The Center has researchers in these areas to treat the subjects studied in several views, including interdisciplinarity in the agenda of their activities.

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