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Written by Super User | Published: Tuesday, 24 April 2018 15:56 | Hits: 1184

The NUVEM Strategic Unity develops education activities and Research, seeking the production of knowledge to contribute to the relentless pursuit of UFABC for academic excellence, with an emphasis on generating innovation. To stimulate interdisciplinarity in group activities with collaboration between several researchers and groups will be built a common platform for development, testing and evaluation of systems and applications in multimedia, visualization, high performance computing and Internet. This platform will feature an experimental environment with realistic design and scale it is possible to achieve the formation of human resources, scientific and technological innovation and cooperation with the productive sector.

One of the main activities of the Center is to develop proposals for research projects and their implementation. Members of the Center are committed in order to work together on research projects aimed at the development and reviews of solutions to society. The results are expected significant contributions to the advancement of knowledge and technology, as publication of scientific papers, training of human resources, development of prototypes and their demonstration, generation of new products and services.
To contribute significantly to the primary objective of the university, the training of human resources, all the Center's activities will involve undergraduate students, master's and doctorate, and research associates (ex .: postdoctoral fellows) . Students and researchers actively participate in the research projects, extension and innovation for direct or indirect use of their results to their academic goals. For example, a graduate student / doctoral can develop their dissertation / thesis within the scope of a core of the research project. On the other hand, in the case of an extension project, students can participate and enjoy parts of their activities in their theses / dissertations. In still other cases, the interaction with the productive sector can generate technological innovation, the development process can enrich the academic work of students significantly.
Contributing to the realization of research projects and training of human resources, a consequence of the NUVEM Strategic Unity activities will be a significant contribution to the evaluation of undergraduate and graduate. Upon graduation, the participation of students in undergraduate programs, Young Talents for Science (Capes) and Science without Borders, and course completion projects. At the postgraduate level, the participation of masters and doctoral students in the various activities of the Center. Besides significant contribution to the evaluation of courses, the Center can actively participate in its improvement through participation of their teachers in plenary / coordination of undergraduate and coordination of graduate courses. The experience with the group's activities can be used to substantiate proposals for improvements to existing courses or so proposals for new undergraduate and graduate. Specifically, the Center can contribute significantly to the undergraduate and graduate in Computer Science and Information Engineering. You may also have a decisive role in the creation of other courses like Degree in Computer Engineering.
Various forms of collaborative activities with the productive sector are foreseen in the core activities, to mutual benefit. Companies can benefit from interaction with the university to increase their competitive advantage by launching innovative products and services. On the other hand, the university can also get many benefits, such as identifying real problems and challenges, understanding the needs of regional and national society, use of laboratories and real production environments, as well as access to other forms of financing for its activities. Forms of interaction with the productive sector include, but are not limited to: a) conducting research involving partnerships between universities and companies; b) execution of technological development projects aimed at launching new products or services, to contribute to the innovation process; c) training sessions and courses especially geared to the needs of the productive sector, with particular emphasis on transferring knowledge and scientific methodology; d) provision of expert advice, within the limits of law; e) specialized courses developed in conjunction with and in accordance with the needs of the productive sector.
Innovation generation is a short goal, medium and long term for our country and the NUVEM Strategic Unity proposes to collaborate with the productive sector in different ways in this activity. Taking inspiration from the MIT Media Lab and is strongly committed to the success of the Innovation Campus UFABC, the NUVEM has a clear identification with the generation of innovation in both existing companies as the stimulus for creation of new businesses (startups). In this sense, the Center will act with special emphasis on R & D projects with companies through the Information Technology Law, through collaborative projects with funding from development agencies (FAPESP, CNPq, FINEP) and through regional channels of fostering entrepreneurship, as business incubators and technology parks. The stimulus to the generation of intellectual property is of great importance to the Center, which will work with the Technology Innovation Center (future Innovation Agency) UFABC.
The various activities developed by the group has the potential to generate prototypes, systems, applications, testbeds and other demonstrable products based on computational tools. Whenever possible, when there is no intellectual property or trade secrets involved, the Center will provide all its computational tools developed to the general public through open source licenses. This attitude will allow great interaction with national and international academic community, and possible interactions with the productive sector in this area. These tools include the applications for smartphones and tablets. To foster the development of such applications the Center may encourage undergraduate and graduate, through actions with subject teachers or else the university community (and even outside) through competitions to choose the best applications. Students may have the computing infrastructure core for applications requiring rear applications (backend, such as database servers) to properly perform its function. Other actions to encourage the collaborative software development with open source licenses can be taken, such as participation in the Google Summer of Code1.
Will be developed research projects and undergraduate teaching and graduate aimed at national and international cooperation, especially those with funding for exchange of researchers and students. Several development agencies have frequent announcements involving the creation of consortia for research and teaching, and the submission of proposals will be a constant search core. Particularly within international mobility programs such as Science Without Borders, the Center will develop activities aimed send students and researchers abroad, but also bring foreigners to the country. These collaborations will significantly increase the production of knowledge and technology researcher with the group, as is proven with other national and international experiences.
A particular form of interaction with the productive sector and society in general will be through the preparation, proposal and implementation of human resource training programs, specialized training and specialization. As a center for training of human resources, in addition to their graduate studies program of undergraduate and graduate, the Center will promote interaction with society what the university does best.
The Center will encourage and make institutional efforts to promote debates, lectures, seminars, scientific meetings and round tables. Internal and external interactions core will be constant in order to obtain benefits in three stages with complementary objectives. First, the free and spontaneous discussion of preliminary ideas (brainstorming) which can result in new projects, programs or events. Second, the necessary discussion of preliminary results, compared to the state of the art and possible course correction or readjustment of goals. Finally, the dissemination of the final results and critical analysis of the problems encountered, solutions proposed and implemented, as well as new challenges identified in this process. An additional objective of this action is to promote debate with society, seeking the active participation of public policy policy-making processes and seeking feedback from the public about the implementation of such policies. An example is to know the impacts of introducing generating technologies break points or change in society, such as the availability of Internet through Wi-Fi signal opening in cities..
As a final class action developed by the Center are the dissemination processes of the results achieved through interactive demonstrations, where the user can see and interact in practice with the developed prototypes (hands-on experience). The Center has as one of its main objectives the dissemination of its scientific and technological discoveries through events that portray the need for such artifacts, as well as his playful. Statements in great movement of persons environments are provided through the organization of events, exhibitions and shows. These activities are in line with the conceptual and practical goals Innovation Campus UFABC and the need for physical space for the Center.
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